Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What's our business?

Date: 21/10/09
Time: 6pm
Location: Scozzi's Restaurant
Present: Amanda Murphy, Isabel Rossiter, Julie O'Leary, Siobhan O'Sullivan
Absent: None

After our dinner and dessert the four of us had a brainstorming session. we decided on ideas such as, Healthy eating site, Agony aunt site, Taxi information site and various student welfare issues. After discussing these various topics, we came to the conclusion that all of these topics could be combined into one site. A problem solving site where students have one place to go to discuss and solve a vast array of problems concerning students. We have called this "WotsUrProblem?!". We feel that this is an appropriate name as it appeals to all students as it is modern and a little bit cheeky.

For our next meeting we are all going to consider what pages we feel we should include in our website.